Saturday 7 June 2014

Marital Relationship

Bible references:
Matthew 19:1–9, 22:29, 1Timothy 4:13–15, Joshua 1:8,
Colossians 3:13; Ephesians 4:31–32.

God speaks to every individual in diverse ways. Yours might not be the high vision type. Most times, the way God speaks to us is not the way we think. 
The word of God is true; the Bible says that not an iota of His word would go unfulfilled. Therefore, hold on tight to the word of God. 
Marriage is built on the basis of the word of God.
Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good successKJV
Every word spoken out of our mouth should be filled with the word of God. Allow God in your marriage and courtship.
No matter how young you are now, start praying about your spouse, children, marriage, in – laws etc. Begin to prepare. 
The container does not matter. Samson made that mistake and his destiny was destroyed forever. The 2 partners must be actively involved in the relationship (courtship), otherwise the active one should withdraw.

  • Ingredient of Initiation.
Whatsoever God initiates, He will back it up as long as He is the one that initiated it.
  • Ingredient of Love.
God himself is love and love must be in your courtship and marriage. Love covers a multitude of sins. Many waters cannot quench love.
SOS 8:7 “Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemnedKJV
  • Ingredient of Tolerance. Col 3:13
Some, over tiny things have broken their courtship. Your courtship is different from your friend’s. Bring out the best in your relationship.
Cast wrath and anger away, don’t speak evil of your partner, don’t keep malice.

God bless you.


Preparation + Opportunity = Success. 

Bible References:
1Samuel 16: 11, 17: 13; Matthew 24: 34 – 36, 25: 1 – 10; John 15: 1 – 11.

  • Preparation is a personal thing.
  • Opportunity may be something sudden.
  • It doesn’t deal with our plan.
  • Everybody gets opportunities. "...but time and chance happeneth to them all" Eccl. 9:11g
  • Preparation is a constant thing. 
  • It is only our father in heaven that knows and controls all opportunities. Dan. 2:21
  • A prepared person without opportunity is just half gone. 
  • "Prepared" in this case means in all ramifications. 
  • David was being prepared by God as a shepherd, God knowing fully well that he will lead His people (Israel).   
  • 1 Sam. 16:11 talks about opportunity, verse 12 points out the opportunity and verse 13 about success. 
  • God is searching for people He needs and these people are those that are preparing and getting themselves ready for God’s work.
  • In verses 14 – 17, another opportunity was created for David, gradually leading to his enthronement. 
  • In verses 18 – 21, David was still tending sheep, not using His anointing as an excuse to relax, he continued with his work as a shepherd till the opportunity to play the harp in the palace came up.
  • Even in chapter 17: 14 – 15, David refused to relax as the king’s harp player, he kept on going back to the field to tend the sheep. Another opportunity arose when Jesse told him to go check on his brothers, ref. V. 23(latter part) “and David heard them” and that was another opportunity.
  • An opportunity could be taken up because the person knows what would come out of it, like David did in 17:30.
  • Preparation doesn’t end in a place. You can never stop preparing. Do not be stagnant. However, in the place of preparation always remember your source (God) so you don’t run dry.
  • The greatest preparation any man can make is that of the 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus. It is going to be sudden. We shall not miss it in Jesus name. (Amen)

What is your Motive?

Bible references: 
Matthew 15: 1 – 13; 26: 19 – 23, 47 – 49; 21: 15; Daniel 3: 13

God will only reward the right motive and He will judge all motives (right or wrong).
Motive is what is within. 
It drives us to take action. 
If your motive is right, you will stand the test of time.
Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego had the right motive behind not bowing down to the king’s idol, their mind was made up that even if God didn’t save them, they were not bowing down to the king’s idol; their motive was right and they were rewarded.
In any situation we find ourselves, let us have the right motive.
The wrong motive may work for a while but it will eventually fail.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Obedience! "Tool For Great Exploit"

Bible Reading: Genesis 26:1-14
Obedience is the act or practice of following instructions, complying with rules or regulations, or submitting to somebody's authority.
When GOD instruct you on what you should do or how to do it, you must follow it to the letter even if it looks foolish to man (1 Corinthians1:27). It is through obedience that exploits can be achieved.
Let look at the scripute to what happen when some people obeyed GOD's direction or instructions.

1. Let look at Noah in the book of book of Genesis 6:13-22. He built an ark according to the word of GOD and saved himself and household from flood.
2. Abraham our great grandfather of faith. Genesis 12:1-6. GOD asked him to leave his country for a land he would show him and he obeyed without questioning and he became the father of many nations, even when he dosen't know where he was going.
3.Also Isaac in Genesis 24:1-14. We can see that he became prosperous due to this.
4. Let look at the life of David in the book of 2Samuel 5:17-25, he obeyed the LORD and won the battle.
5. In John 2:1-10 when our LORD JESUS turned water into wine in Cana of Galilee, HIS diciples obeyed HIM and shame was removed from the bridegroom.
6. Also JESUS obeyed GOD by dying on the cross for our sins HE was given a name above all names. Philisains 4:8-11
7. The disciples obeyed and tarried and were endowed with HOLY SPIRIT and power from above in the book Acts 2:1-end.
8. Mary the mother of our LORD JESUS also obeyed and she became blessed among all woman. Luke 1:26-38.

The life of disobedient ones:
1Samuel 15:1-22.Saul the King
Jonah 1:1-17

Rewards of obedience
1. Salvation
2. Divine provision
3. Fruitfulness.
4. gift of the HOLY SPIRIT.
5. Setting on high
Isaiah 1:19, Job 36:11

1. Pray that GOD should give you the grace to obey HIM even if its not convinent.
2. Pray to recognise HIS voice and promptly obey HIS command.

Friday 14 February 2014

Valentine Day (Fact & Background)

What Christian Should Know About Valentine’s Day And Its Celebration

1.    February 14 wa an old celebration to Junobebruata. The Roman goddess of sexual passion
2.    It includes pairing adolescents by chance drawing for casual sex and going relationships.
3.    Cupid was the Roman god of love.
4.    Lupercerlia, the celebration of Lupercus, the Roman god of fertility include sex, and marriage based on mere chance.
5.    In 494AD, Pope Galasius, perheps wanting to observe the pagan celebration of Junofebruata, Lupercus and Cupid, declared February 14 as Saint Valentine’s Day.
6.    St. Valentine was excuted by Emperor Claudius II on 14th February 270AD for secretly wedding couples against his evil decree. Emperor Claudius II had banned all wedding in order to build his army for senseless wars.
7.    The resurgence of the ancient immoral features of those Roman goddess in today celebration of St. Val’s Dayshows clearly that those Roman goddesses have reclaimed the day, and sincere Christian should steer clear of this celebration, as nothing is saintly about it.
8.    Our GOD commanded us to come out of Rome’s religion and reject her sins (Revelation 18:4)
9.    Our GOD commanded us to come out of false religion and not even touch it (2 Corinthians 6:14-17)
10.    Christians have no agreement with winged red devil that shoot arrows of lust into hearts.
11.    It honours infatuation and lust: both are contrary to Christian love (2 Corinthians 13: 4-7, Ephesian 5:25)
12.    Only lust occurs by fiery darts in the heart; love is the conscious choice to serve one another.
13.    Christians marry only in the LORD, and they are very sober about love (1 Corinthians 7:39, 11:11)
14.    We must make a statement against the fornication and lasciviousness of this generation.
15.    Love is of GOD while lust is of man; therefore we will only celebrate love spiritually.
16.    Valentine’s Day is highly esteemed by man; so it must be an abomination to GOD (Luke 16:15).
17.    We are totally against spiritual adultery by worldly associations (James 4:4).
18.    GOD condemns customs of other gods as abomination to HIM (Ezekiel 8:1-18)
GOD created love, sex and marriage; Valentine’s Day honours lust, casual sex and chance. JESUS CHRIST is THE LORD of heaven and earth; Romans pagan deities of Juno, Lupercus and Cupid are abominations to HIM. Valentine’s Day which is a religious holy day is of the devil’s and world’s devices to seduce you into spiritual adultery, where you will ignorantly make love with pagan idolatry and the devil in the name of Christianity. GOD is jealous; HE would not accept any pagan religious traditions, even if its done to HIM (Deuteronomy 12:1-4, 29-31). HE expects you to come out and be separate (2 Corinthians 6:14-18).
You need JESUS CHRIST as a sure source of strength to live a life of true love. Accept HIM into your life as LORD and SAVIOUR today.

Close your eyes now and silently commit your heart to JESUS. 

GOD Bless You